Avascan blog


Jan 29th, 2021

Explore is partnering with the This Week in Avalanche to get news about the Avalanche ecosystem.


What’s coming for P-chain

At Avascan, we’re a small team, so we can share development with users almost as they happen. This newsletter is our way to let everyone understand that Avascan is not only an explorer, but the place to go for everything about Avalanche.

So, we can tell you that we just started the design of P-Chain on Avascan. This will be a very long process, and you likely won’t see any solid features until March or April. But we have very big ideas. Not just of showing raw data, and not even simple representation of data.

P-Chain indexing is part of Norge 2.0, Avascan’s custom indexer that aims to be the best way to get data about Avalanche. New data about the Platform Chain make it possible for us to show granular data about staking (validators and delegators), as well as aggregated data about transactions and activity on the network. And it finally gives us the tools to show complete data about supply and balance in addresses.

Norge 2.0 with P-Chain support will render Avascan an explorer platform that’s no less than the likes of Etherscan or similar. As Avalanche grows, Avascan will grow with it.

This week in Avalanche

  • UNION Finance announced they will launch products to improve DeFi capital efficiencies and product safety on Avalanche.
  • The Graph is exploring integrations with other (non ETH) L1s, Avalanche is high on their priority list. Show your support for Avalanche by voting in this poll.
  • Aleph.im is bringing decentralized file storage and computing to Avalanche
    Read more on This Week in Avalanche, Jan 29, 2021

This week in Avascan

We have now mapped more than 320 validators both with the Validator Claim Program and our forensics work on-chain!

Want to claim your validator? Click here.

What’s new on Avascan

Chainbridge transactions are now live on Avascan! The Bridge is not yet live, so what you see both on Mainnet and Testnet are tests and developments necessary to put everything in place for the launch. You will see new types of transactions:

  • Execute proposal: (example) (for developers)
  • Vote proposal: (example)
  • Transfer: (example)
  • Set burnable token: (example)
  • Added token: (example)
  • Granted/Revoked roles: Roles can be either Admin or Relayer (example)
    And one more thing: Avascan can now verify token contracts for C-Chain! The feature is already live, but we will have a deep dive on the how-to from next week.

Explore the Road

  • P-Chain, improvements to C-Chain and more documentation coming in a few weeks! Every week we’ll release a bit of this and that, so stay tuned on avascan.info!

We want to hear your feedback: head to our Changemap page to request new features or report bugs, and start a conversation in the #feedback channel in our Discord server or in the Telegram community.

Thank you for reading, see you next week!