Avascan blog


Mar 5th, 2021

Explore is partnering with the This Week in Avalanche to get news about the Avalanche ecosystem.


Discover DeFi on Avalanche with Avascan

The kickstart of the Avalanche <-> Ethereum bridge has baptised Avalanche as the DeFi platform users want to use to avoid high transaction fees.
We already saw some DEXs make their way into Avalanche, but this is just the beginning: last week, we’ve launched the DeFi Avalanche Telegram community to track and discuss all-things-DeFi on Avalanche: almost 130 users already joined!

This is what users tell about the group:
“You’ve found a gem group”
“This is definitely a more civilized level headed chat”
“It’s impossible to keep up with the trading channel. You can have a real discussion here, there’s been some good chat & insights 😊”

Join DeFi Avalanche

This week in Avalanche

  • AvalancheGo v1.2.1 released - The patch includes stability, performance, and monitoring improvements.
  • Congress of the Mexican State of Quintana Roo is integrating Avalanche to become the first national congress to use it for the digital certification of its legislative documentation.
  • SushiSwap is going multi-chain and will be deploying on the C-Chain
    Read more on This Week in Avalanche, Mar 5, 2021

This week in Avascan

We have now mapped over 380 validators and over 4400 addresses both with the Validator Claim Program and our forensics work on-chain!

Want to claim your validator? Click here.

Want to suggest additional information for an address? Click here.

What’s new on Avascan

Going forward with the new meta attributes for addresses announced last week, we did some really huge work on-chain to understand the provenance of a lot of addresses, and we mapped all of the 5 official AEB Bridge Relayers.
We also added updated our Supply API to include real-time data from the genesis block and minted tokens from staking. Coinmarketcap and Coingecko are already using the API to display the correct data.

Explore the Road

We’re working on a lot of new improvements and special pages to show more data about the new Dapps and tokens:

  • Burned AVAX: a special page that includes detailed information about AVAX fees burned on C-Chain first, and then on X-Chain and P-Chain;
  • Wrapped on AVAX: a special page that shows granular data about official ARC-20 versions of ERC-20 tokens ported from Ethereum;
  • Chainbridge: a very complex but comprehensive page that shows the flow of value from Ethereum to Avalanche and viceversa;
  • Pangolin: we know that there’s an official dashboard to check the the liquidity pool and pairs, but we’re working on a detailed contract page that highlights useful information about burning rate, transactions, etc.
  • ARC-20 Token Holders: yep, you know what’s that: a list of all the addresses that hold each ARC-20 token.

And, of course, we’re also continuing the development of Norge 2.0, that will take a few months to be completed.

We want to hear your feedback: head to our Changemap page to request new features or report bugs, and start a conversation in the #feedback channel in our Discord server or in the Telegram community.

Thank you for reading, see you next week!